Cherry Blossoms

This year, I was finally able to make it to the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. to see the blossoming cherry trees. It has been probably over 15 years since I have been to see the cherry blossoms so I was determined to make it this year. I was not even going to let a bad weather forecast get in my way. But luckily, late in the afternoon on Sunday, the sun came out and it got warm and it actually made for a lovely afternoon visit.

And for a bit of history:  the cherry trees planted in the Tidal Basin were a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo in 1912.  The average peak bloom date of the blossoms is April 4 but this year, the peak bloom date was March 20!  Luckily, we made it just in time. :)

37 thoughts on “Cherry Blossoms

  1. Your photography is beautiful my friend :D
    I especially like the shot of converse surrounded by the blossoms – wow!

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Double Jaffa Fudge Cookies + More

  2. Thank you from this post! I’m from MD and miss the spring time in DC! Makes me feel like I’m back there again! We went a few years ago but were just a few weeks too early.

    • Apparently they do when they are in peak bloom. By the time I got to them, it was several days later so they did not have much of a smell anymore. And I hear the smell is really amazing though. :)

  3. Ugh. I am so homesick for DC. Every spring I say I’m going to make it back for this, and every year, I don’t. Thank you for sharing!

      • I’m way out in Denver, now, so it’s not so easy to get back. I plan to get there in May, but too late for the cherry blossoms. Not that DC isn’t always gorgeous. Your beautiful blog (as always) made my day. Thank you!

  4. How beautiful beautiful can be! I’ve never seen Washington in cherry blossom season. What a treat, and what a lovely collection of photos!

  5. I made the trip a few years ago and timed it just perfectly to see the cherry blossoms. There is nothing like it. They are everywhere and so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  6. wwoawww ¡¡¡ Those cherry blossoms are very very famous. I hope one day I’ll be able to see it. There is a famous valley in Spain called Jerte Valley and it’s famous for the cherry blossoms too.

  7. I grew up in northern VA and I haven’t seen the cherry blossoms since the early 60’s. They are beautiful & the Tidal Basin is the most lovely part of Washington. Great pictures & thank you for enduring the crowds!

  8. Perfection with the pics and story. I’ve been to DC during cherry blossom season… really nothing like it, from the fallen petals to the perfect blossoms. its a sight to be seen – really enjoyed ur post x

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